our leaders
In 2013 Daniel Adams, a successful MMA Cage fighter, had a radical encounter with the Holy Spirit. As a result, in 2014, he attended the Christ for all Nations (CFAN): The Reinhard Bonnke School of Evangelism. Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke laid his hands on Daniel, and he received an impartation that fueled the evangelistic gift that he carries today. Daniel’s heart was burning with a desire for people to have an authentic encounter with Jesus Christ. His ministry, The Supernatural Life, has hit 943K subscribers on YouTube. The channel is packed with videos of him and the TSNL team living every day and every moment supernaturally. Daniel has also been a guest on Sid Roth’s show ‘It’s Supernatural’. In 2021 TSNL launched the TSNL Hubs which have grown to be 80 hubs world-wide and counting. The following year TSNL introduced The Supernatural Life Churches: a powerful end-time movement where the Body of Christ can meet at unconventional locations. In addition, in November 2022 Daniel hosted the First Annual Forerunner Conference. As a result, thousands of lives were forever changed. This reveals that we are living in a day and a time where the people are crying out for a touch of God that transforms their lives forever.